Saturday 2 January 2010

Daisy :)

Well what can i say about this blog. Its dedicated to the amazing Miss Daisy Holder!. The reason behind this is simple, I did not know what to write about and daisy said 'me :D' so here is a blog for you hun.

I have not know daisy for that long..sadly:( but in these months i've known her she has become one my best friends, even if we do live at different ends of the country. She keeps me entertained, is always there to listen to me moan about my parents, guys or anything thats bugging me. Thanks for that hun. I hope that in 2010 we may finally met each other:)

She sent me 2 christmas cards to thank me for being there for her..not sure what i've done to help..I dont see myself very good at helping people..I love my cards:) she also sent me some lovely earrings that have been on since:)

Not sure what to say..She's lovely,has a great sense of humar, caring, entertaining & a true friend:) Daisy I Loves you<3

Thats my random blog about Daisy <3


New Year Resolutions

As its the start of 2010 it got me thinking about my New Year's resolutions. To be honest i had not made any!

So i thought for a little bit and i've come up with this list so far.

1. To lose weight! (i am a tad fat! )
2. To stop swearing so much (shh dont tell the rents)
3. To be a nicer person.
4. To have more patience.
5.To pass my HNC & get my HND course!
6. To have a laugh more!( i think im too serious)
7. To blog more.
8. To be more confident
9. Enjoy life more!
10. Watch more DVDs

(i will add more as i find more)

So thats my little list...


Natalie X